
カストル さんの訳文


How the Bear Lost His Tail

Long ago, Bear was known for his tail. It was long and black and glossy. One day, Fox saw this and decided to play a trick on Bear. Fox made a hole in the frozen winter lake, and twitched his tail to catch a trout as Bear came by. Bear was fascinated and Fox convinced him to stick his tail into the hole and wait for the next trout. In the morning, Fox returned and told Bear to catch his fish. Bear pulled his long tail as hard as he could. But it had been frozen in the ice, and suddenly broke off. Bear saw his long, lovely tail caught in the ice. So, if you ever hear a bear moaning, he is crying for his lost tail.



むかしむかし、くまの尻尾はたいそうな評判でした。長くて、真っ黒で、つやつやと光っていたのです。ある日キツネがこれを見て、いたずらしてやろうと決めました。冬の湖の氷に穴をあけて、くまが通りかかったときに、キツネは自分の尻尾をぴくつかせてマスを捕まえてみせたのです。くまはすっかり感心し、キツネは穴に尻尾を入れて、次のマスを待ちうけるようにと言いくるめました。つぎの日の朝、もどってきたキツネはくまにマスを釣りあげるようにとすすめ、くまは尻尾を力いっぱいひっぱりました。しかし、尻尾はもうすっかり凍りついていて、とうとうちぎれてしまったのです! くまは氷にとり残された、長くてりっぱな尻尾を見つめることしかできませんでした。


1. I like the starting! たいそうな評判 is a good translation. (評価4)