
Doggystyle さんの訳文


Dogs are pack-oriented. In a pack, dogs are either dominant or submissive. As a pet owner, you must establish that you are dominant over your dog. You may think it is easier to let your dog out of the house first for your daily walk. But for a dog, the leader always goes through tight spaces first. Feeding your dog before you have your meal is another common mistake. This silently signals that you are subservient to him, as in a dog pack leaders always eat first. In order to avoid these issues, show your dog that he has to obey your rules. If you do not, your dog may become possessive or overprotective, with aggressive behavior toward others.




1. 「主従関係を築く」にするとdominant over を訳しきれていないように思います。人間が"従"側になっても主従関係が成り立ったと言えてしまいますしね。他は分かりやすい文章になっています。 (評価4)

2. 読んだときの勢いや語感が良く、まとまりが良い訳文だと思いました。 (評価3)