
hiromi さんの訳文


KELLEY: Guess what! Matt asked me to go to the prom last week!
ROBIN: Really?! That’s sooooooo exciting. What happened?
KELLEY: Well, he’s been flashing me those killer smiles during chemistry class all year. I knew he kind of liked me, but I really wasn’t expecting him to approach me in the library.
ROBIN: What? He asked you out in the library? I can’t believe it.
KELLEY: I know! But he has a charm I couldn’t resist…..
ROBIN: Charm?
KELLEY: What can I say? My heart melted when Matt serenaded me in front of everyone at the big study table in the library. He was down on one knee, and showed me he knows what he wants.
ROBIN: Library serenade! Just can’t wait to see you dancing together.


ケリー:聞いて! 先週、マットに卒業記念パーティーのダンスに誘われたの!
ロビン:ほんと?! すごーい。何があったの?
ロビン:えっ! 図書室で誘われたの? うそっ。
ケリー:そうでしょ! でも彼には逆らえない魅力があって……
ロビン:図書室で歌うなんて! あなたたちが一緒に踊るのを早く見たいわ。


1. 「クラッとするような笑顔」という表現、いいですね♪ (評価3)

2. showed me he knows what he wantsの訳に違和感を感じますが、とても青春映画らしいノリの良い雰囲気は素晴らしいです。 (評価3)