結果発表 | 【Amelia】在宅でできる英語などの翻訳の求人・仕事探しはアメリア

「猫の毛色別 性格診断」翻訳コンテスト

mayjune さんの訳文


Have you ever wondered if your cat’s personality is shaped by the color of its fur? Black cats have very affectionate and playful personalities, even though many cultures have negative stereotypes of them. Orange cats are often thought of as being sweet and loving, while white cats are considered pure and good natured but more cautious. There is some evidence to suggest that the color of your cat's coat may influence their personality and behavior. However, the reality is that your cat’s age, sterilization and socialization history are the true creators of their personality.




1. 「ないわけではありません」は工夫されていると思いますが、そこまで訳す必要があるのかな?とも思います。 (評価3)

2. 綺麗にまとめられていてわかりやすい (評価5)

3. とてもよくまとめられています。「愛情」が複数回出てきましたので、どちらかを他の訳に言い換えるとさらに良質な訳文が出来上がると思います。 (評価3)