結果発表 | 【Amelia】在宅でできる英語などの翻訳の求人・仕事探しはアメリア


sogasogak さんの訳文


A man was hitchhiking in thick fog when a car stopped. He got in and the car started to move slowly.
When he checked, there was no driver! Just before the car hit a curve, a hand suddenly appeared and moved the steering wheel. The hand appeared every time the car was approaching a curve.
Finally, he jumped out of the spooky car and ran to the local bar and told his story.
Thirty minutes later, two guys walked into the bar and one said, "Wow, there's the idiot who got into the car while we were pushing it!"




1. 最後のバカヤローはいいですね。 (評価3)