
y-shin さんの訳文


Nothing makes people laugh more than a funny face. In Japan, fukuwarai is a traditional face making game which is played during the New Year’s holiday time. This game is not about using your actual face. Rather, people try to put together the pieces of a face onto a large flat head while blindfolded. The face is that of the Japanese mythical goddess Okame, the bringer of luck and kindness. After each player is done, everyone laughs at how funny the face looks. Fukuwarai literally means "lucky laugh" and laughing is exactly what happens when people play this game.




1. 前半がぶんのリズムがよくて良かった!! (評価3)

2. 最初の一文が生き生きとした自然な日本語に訳されていて良いと思いました。 (評価4)